The Drifter cards

RageSpecialAttack0Deal 6 (9) damage. Ethereal.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
ExperienceBasicSkill1driftermod:Drift 4 (6)
SpeedstarBasicAttack2Deal 12 (16) damage. Draw 3 (4) cards.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
TenacityBasicSkill0Retain. Discard a card. Gain [E] ([E]). Exhaust.
105 Degree TurnCommonSkill2driftermod:Drift 3 (4) Next turn, Drift 3 (4).
20 Degree TurnCommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. driftermod:Drift 2.
45 Degree TurnCommonAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage. driftermod:Drift 2 (3).
AccelerateCommonSkill1 (0)Gain 1 driftermod:Speed. Exhaust.
Bob and WeaveCommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. Draw 2 (3) cards next turn.
BrakeCommonSkill0Gain 7 (10) Block. driftermod:Brake 2.
Brake-DriftCommonSkill1Discard any number of cards. driftermod:Drift 2 (3) and driftermod:Brake 1 for each discarded.
CoastCommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Retain 2 (3) cards this turn.
Defensive DrivingCommonSkill2Gain 20 (25) Block. Discard 4 cards.
Full ThrottleCommonAttack2Deal 10 (13) damage to all enemies. Retain your hand this turn.
Full ThrottleCommonAttack2Deal 13 (16) damage to all enemies. Retain your hand this turn.
Full ThrottleCommonAttack2Deal 16 (19) damage to all enemies. Retain your hand this turn.
Full ThrottleCommonAttack2Deal 19 (22) damage to all enemies. Retain your hand this turn.
Full ThrottleCommonAttack2Deal 22 (25) damage to all enemies. Retain your hand this turn.
Full ThrottleCommonAttack2Deal 25 (28) damage to all enemies. Retain your hand this turn.
Full ThrottleCommonAttack2Deal 28 (31) damage to all enemies. Retain your hand this turn.
Full ThrottleCommonAttack2Deal 31 (34) damage to all enemies. Retain your hand this turn.
Full ThrottleCommonAttack2Deal 34 (37) damage to all enemies. Retain your hand this turn.
Full ThrottleCommonAttack2Deal 37 damage to all enemies. Retain your hand this turn.
Hairpin TurnCommonAttack1Deal 7 (9) damage. If you have no driftermod:Drift, driftermod:Drift 4 (6).
Hard PassCommonAttack2Deal 16 (20) damage. If this kills an enemy, gain 1 driftermod:Speed.
Headlight FlashCommonAttack1 (0)Deal 3 damage and apply 1 Weak to all enemies.
Keep it SteadyCommonSkill1If you're Drifting, driftermod:Drift 4 (6).
RamCommonAttack1Deal 12 (15) damage. Discard 3 cards.
RecklessnessCommonAttack0Deal 10 (13) damage. Gain 1 Vulnerable.
Speed BurstCommonSkill1Draw 3 (4) cards. Retain 3 (4) cards this turn.
TailgateCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. Draw 2 (3) cards.
135 Degree TurnUncommonSkill2driftermod:Drift 5 (8). This card's driftermod:Drift is affected by Strength and Dexterity.
180 Degree TurnUncommonSkill3driftermod:Drift 8 (10). Gain 4 (5) driftermod:Traction next turn only.
20 MPHUncommonAttack1Discard 2 cards from your driftermod:Total-hand to deal 5 (6) damage to all enemies. ( Discard 2 more cards and double this card's damage for each driftermod:Speed. )
90 Degree TurnUncommonAttack2Deal 10 (15) damage. driftermod:Drift 3. Gain 2 (3) Strength while Drifting.
AdaptabilityUncommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. While your hand is empty this turn, draw a card.
All the StopsUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (8) damage. If Vulnerable, deal 7 (8) damage again. If you have 2 or fewer cards in hand, deal 7 (8) damage again.
BraveryUncommonPower1Gain 4 (5) Strength. Gain 2 Vulnerable.
Burn RubberUncommonAttack0Deal 5 (8) damage.
BurnoutUncommonAttack1Deal 14 (18) damage to all enemies. Add a Burn to your draw pile. Lose 1 driftermod:Speed.
Cruise ControlUncommonPower1Gain 2 Dexterity. Your driftermod:Speed is considered to be 1 (3) less for its negative effects.
Dangerous GameUncommonAttack2Deal 14 (18) damage. This costs 1 less for each Vulnerable you have.
Drift AheadUncommonSkill1driftermod:Activate your driftermod:Drift. Gain 1 driftermod:Speed for every 4 (3) driftermod:Drift. Lose your driftermod:Drift.
Emergency BrakeUncommonSkill0Retain. Gain 5 (6) Block for each driftermod:Speed. Lose all driftermod:Speed.
Engine RevUncommonSkill1Innate Draw 2 (3) cards and gain 2 (3) [E] next turn. Exhaust.
Exhaust PipeUncommonSkill0Exhaust a card (to gain !B! Block).
Flame TrailUncommonPower2 (1)At the end of the turn, all enemies lose HP equal to your driftermod:Total-hand.
Floor It!UncommonSkill2Draw 8 (12) cards.
Fuel ReservesUncommonPower1The first time you have no cards in your hand, draw 5 (7) cards.
Gas Gas GasUncommonSkill0Draw 3 (4) cards. Exhaust.
Hard CornerUncommonSkill1driftermod:Drift 6 (8). Discard 3 cards.
In the ZoneUncommonPower2 (1)When you draw a card during your turn, gain 2 Block.
IntimidationUncommonSkill1 (0)Apply your Vulnerable to all enemies. Draw a card.
Last-Second TurnUncommonSkill1driftermod:Drift 2 (3). If you have 2 or fewer cards in your hand, driftermod:Drift 4.
ManeuverUncommonSkill1Gain 4 (6) Block. Gain 2 (3) driftermod:Traction this turn only.
Need for SpeedUncommonPower2(Innate.)Gain 3 driftermod:Speed.
Nights of FireUncommonAttack2Deal 14 (18) damage plus 4 (5) for each driftermod:Overdraw. (Deals 14 damage.)
OvertakeUncommonSkill1Discard 3 cards to draw 4 (5) cards next turn.
PursuitUncommonSkill1Apply 2 Vulnerable. Draw 2 (4) cards.
Racing SpiritUncommonAttack1If you have 2 or fewer cards in hand, deal 10 (14) damage and draw 3 cards.
RecoveryUncommonSkill1(Retain.)Discard any number of cards, lose 1 Vulnerable and gain 3 Block for each. Exhaust.
RelentlessUncommonAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage. Draw a card. When this is discarded, add it to your hand and increase its draw by 1.
ResolveUncommonPower1While you have 2 or fewer cards in hand, gain 4 (6) more damage, Block and driftermod:Drift from your cards.
Risky ApproachUncommonSkill0Gain 1 Vulnerable. Draw 2 (3) cards next turn.
Road RageUncommonAttack2Deal 9 (12) damage. Discard all Skills in your hand, replace them with RAGE.
Safe DrivingUncommonSkill1Gain 8 (10) Block. Lose 1 driftermod:Speed, and if you did, gain 8 (10) Block.
Second WindUncommonSkill1Gain 6 (8) Block. If you have 2 or fewer cards in your hand, gain [E] [E] ([E]).
Speed DriftingUncommonSkill2driftermod:Drift 4 (6). Gain 1 driftermod:Speed.
Sweeping TurnUncommonSkill2driftermod:Drift 5 (8) Your driftermod:Drift hits all enemies this turn.
SwerveUncommonSkill1driftermod:Drift 7 (9). Gain 1 Vulnerable.
Thermal EngineUncommonPower1 (0)The first time you would draw while your hand is full each turn, gain [E].
Traction TiresUncommonPower2 (1)Gain 1 driftermod:Traction.
Variable TurnUncommonSkillXdriftermod:Drift 2 (3) X times.
ZoomUncommonAttack1Deal 4 (5) damage. When you draw a card this turn, deal 4 (5) damage to a random enemy.
Acceleration FormRarePower3Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) At the start of your turn, gain 2 driftermod:Speed.
ClutchRareSkill1Gear-up (Gear-up+) or Gear-Down (Gear-Down+).
Daring StuntRareAttack1Discard 12 cards to deal 50 (66) damage. ( Number of cards to discard reduced by 4 for each Vulnerable you have. )
Deja VuRareSkill1Play (Upgrade and play) the last card you played this combat.
FierceRareAttack2Deal 8 (10) damage twice. Increased by 2 for each Vulnerable you have.
Final GambitRareSkill2 (1)Draw cards until your hand is full. Gain [E] for each card drawn. Die next turn. Exhaust.
Ghost of AkinaRareSkill0driftermod:Drift 2 (3).
Hyper CrashRareAttack3 (2)Deal damage equal to 8 times your driftermod:Total-Hand. Discard your hand and lose all driftermod:Overdraw. ( 0 damage. )
Impossible TurnRareSkill4driftermod:Drift 6 (9) twice.
Inertial DriftRareSkill2 (1)Double your driftermod:Drift. Exhaust.
Last ResortRareSkill0Discard your hand. Put a card from your draw pile into your hand.(Gain [E].)
Natural TalentRareSkillUnplayable. When this is discarded, add it to your hand. Whenever this is the only card in your hand, draw a card. Ethereal. (not Ethereal.)
NitrusRareSkill0Gain [E] [E] ([E]). Gain 1 driftermod:Speed. Exhaust.
Perfect BalanceRarePower0(Innate.)At the start of your turn, if you played an even number of cards last turn, Draw a (!M!) card.
Pole PositionRareAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage and gain 8 (10) Block. If your hand is full, this costs 0.
Pound PavementRareSkillXDraw 3 cards X times. Retain your hand this turn. (Gain [E].)Exhaust.
Speed DemonRareAttack1Gain 1 driftermod:Speed. Deal 4 (6) damage for each driftermod:Speed. ( 4 Damage. )
Spin OutRareSkill2driftermod:Activate your driftermod:Drift. Gain 2 (3) Thorns for each driftermod:Drift for one turn. Lose your driftermod:Drift.
U-TurnRareSkill3 (2)driftermod:Activate your Drift. Draw cards next turn equal to your driftermod:Drift. Lose your driftermod:Drift.

The Drifter relics

Modified '86StarterDrifter_blueWhen you would draw cards while your hand is full, gain 1 driftermod:Overdraw for each.A car that isn't that impressive, but in the right hands is legendary.
Steering WheelStarterDrifter_blueOn the first turn of each combat, Retain your hand.This lucky steering wheel is a memento of cars past.

The Drifter potions

Fuel InjectionCommonGain 1 Speed.
Wheel GreaseUncommonGain 2 Traction.
Nitrus PotionRareDraw 10 cards.

The Drifter keywords

driftermod:ActivateGain Block and deal damage to the lowest HP enemy equal to your Drift.
driftermod:brakeDraw 1 less card at the start of your next turn for each Brake.
driftermod:driftAt the end of your turn, gain Block and deal damage to the enemy with the lowest HP equal to your Drift. When you Drift, gain Momentum (Max 2.) which maintains your Drift.
driftermod:overdrawIf you hand is not full, you lose 1 Overdraw and draw 1 card until it is.
driftermod:shift-downGain 10 Block. Gain 2 Dexterity. Lose 2 Strength. Lose 1 Speed.
driftermod:shift-upGain 2 Strength. Lose 2 Dexterity. Gain 1 speed.
driftermod:speedAt the start of each turn, draw 1 extra card for each Speed and gain negative effects based on your Speed. 3+: Gain 1 Vulnerable. 5+: Lose 2 Dexterity this turn only. 7+: Lose 2 Traction this turn only.
driftermod:total-handYour total hand is your hand plus your Overdraw.
driftermod:tractionTraction improves Drift gained by cards.

The Drifter creatures

the DrifterPlayer68-75